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Why is my Finger Green or Black?

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Many customers might think that faulty manufacturing or underkarating might be the reason for when your ring turns your finger green or black. However, most times it is not the case.

Below you will find common reasons, and how to prevent the problem:

The most common cause is metallic abrasion, caused by makeup. To prevent skin discoloration, your customers should try switching cosmetics. If they prefer not to, it is recommended that they remove all rings that might come into contact with the cosmetics while applying them. Also, afterward clean the skin that comes into contact with the jewelry with soap and water.

Another cause is actual corrosion of the metals. Gold itself does not corrode, but its primary alloys of silver or copper will corrode under moist or wet conditions.

When a customer perspires, fats and fatty acids released can cause corrosion, especially when exposed to the seacoast and semitropical areas where chlorides can combine with perspiration to form a corrosive element that discolors the skin.

Smog fumes can gradually attack jewelry, and are evident as a tarnish that rubs off on the skin.

Even the jewelry design can cause the problem. Wide shanks have more surface area to contact abrasives or corrosives, and can trap moisture and contaminants.

It is best to have customers remove all rings before using soaps, cleaning compounds or detergents, and clean their rings frequently. Also, it can be helpful to use absorbent powder, free of abrasives on skin that comes into contact with jewelry.

In addition to these corrective measures, a lower alloy metal such as 18k Gold or Platinum can significantly reduce the problem.


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